Half Cut Films

My Imaginary Boyfriend



My Imaginary Boyfriend

Helen is a business woman in her forties. She has everything she could wish for; the perfect house and garden in a good neighbourhood, the ideal job of sales manager in a prestigious business, a smart new car with all the extras and platinum membership of an exclusive health club. Well almost everything; she has no boyfriend.

The girls in Helen’s team obviously discuss men a lot. So she is not left out, Helen decides to construct Greg, the perfect boyfriend, in her imagination. She creates a whole story around Greg which matches her lifestyle and builds him up to be her ideal boyfriend. However all does not go quite to plan.

After the initial excitement of having a new partner the drawbacks of having an Imaginary Boyfriend start to outweigh the benefits. It becomes time for some decisive action.

The story is set principally in Helen’s home, her office and her surrounding neighbourhood where we have a glimpse in to Helen’s world. The question arises though – is this all too good to be true?

This short film has been produced by independent film makers Half Cut Films. Half Cut Films is based in London and the south coast and was formed by four self-confessed film fanatics. The inspiration to start film making came as a result of  encouragement from the Raindance Film Festival. The film is true to the “lo-to-no budget” film making ethos, being produced with zero budget. The film was shot on location in Dorset, England.


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“My Imaginary Boyfriend” movie is now available to watch on our vimeo channel .


Watch the trailer for “My Imaginary Boyfriend” on our Vimeo channel.

Behind the Scenes

The screenplay for My Imaginary Boyfriend was based on a short story written by Jim Muir. Jim kindly gave us an interview where he talks about his writing and his thoughts on our adaptation of his story. Watch the interview with Jim Muir on our Vimeo channel.

Making Of

Meet the people behind Half Cut Films in our Making My Imaginary Boyfriend.




My Imaginary Boyfriend has been entered into several short film festivals, and has been accepted into the Mini Movie Fest International Film Festival.

